Warmly celebrate the 15 anniversary of Beijing Heliview International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Welcome to visit our website

Venue:Moscow, Russia
MIOF is the leading national platform for the meeting of distributors of medical optics global brands with representatives of wholesale and retail trade. The project provides the perfect opportunity to get acquainted with the latest trends and innovations, to make decisions on purchases, to establish new business contacts and to sign mutually advantageous agreements with suppliers.
The exposition covers the following segments: eyeglasses fashion (frames), eyeglass and contact lenses, care means for medical optics, diagnostic equipment, software for optical salons, various accessories, trade equipment for opticians, specialized optical editions and many other things.
Representatives of retail trade generate assortment for the next season aiming to offer their clients the latest collections of fashionable frames and sunglasses, contact lenses, care means for eyeglasses and lenses, and also to facilitate optical salons with the latest equipment.
According to visitors survey 87% attendees make decisions on purchases of new assortment for their entities right on the fairgrounds: the fair provides an opportunity to find new contacts while holding meetings with the industry representatives from various, including remote, regions.
Round tables, lectures, workshops and presentations on the most urgent issues related to the optical market development are held within the frames of the associated Business and Educational Forum. Specialists – MIOF visitors and exhibitors – get acquainted with sales increase technologies, with the latest innovations in eyeglass and contact lenses production, new collections of leading producers, to obtain the latest data on sight correction methods.
MIOF is the leading Russian platform for the optical sphere professionals which provides heads, owners of companies and those who you are only going to start their business an opportunity to obtain full market related information: suppliers and producers, the latest technological developments and fashionable novelties, the best global practices of sight correction and management of optical business.
MIOF is a great way to establish business contacts with representatives of the Russian and foreign medical optics markets, leading experts and designers; to find new business partners among participants – producers and suppliers of frames, readymade eyewear, eyeglass and contact lenses, materials and equipment for facilitation of workshops and outlets, providers of services for work optimization.
Tel:010-67620925 E-mail:expo@heliview.cn Web:www.heliview.cn Add: 1602 Aufu Tower, Nanfangzhuang, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 100079
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