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Venue:Karachi, Pakistan
The 16th Build Asia International Building Material and Construction Machinery Exhibition & Conference scheduled from 19 - 21 December 2020 at Karachi Expo Centre is being organized by full UFI member of the Global Association of Exhibition Industry (Paris – France), Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. with an aim to focus on the immense potential of the Building and Construction Industry in Pakistan. The Event also incorporates Coating Expo, Furniture Asia, Property Asia & Stonefair Asia International Exhibitions.
The Build Asia Exhibition incorporating Property Asia, Furniture Asia and Stonefair Asia Exhibitions will be one of the most promising and enduring exhibitions at Karachi Expo Centre. Build Asia will offer the International and Pakistani business community a strategic launch-pad to access the vibrant Pakistani, Afghanistani, Chinese, Middle East and Central Asian Republic Markets. The Event aims to focus on the immense potential of the Building and Construction Industry in Pakistan and will display latest Technological Advancements of Equipments, Materials, Services and Techniques in the related fields, providing opportunities to Overseas Exhibitors to interact with local entrepreneurs for joint ventures, transfer of technologies and appointing Agents / Distributors / Partners.
Pakistan - The Regional Business Hub
Pakistan – the land of numerous unexplored opportunities has recently earned a good name in the international market for being a vibrant and progressive developing country in the world. The Government of Pakistan has adopted a liberal investment policy to attract maximum foreign investment, where foreign investors can hold upto 100% equity in several economic sectors. As a result, the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Country has increased substantially over the past few years, thus Pakistan stands distinguished from many other countries of the region.
Tel:010-67620925 E-mail:expo@heliview.cn Web:www.heliview.cn Add: 1602 Aufu Tower, Nanfangzhuang, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 100079
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