Warmly celebrate the 15 anniversary of Beijing Heliview International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Welcome to visit our website

12th Industrial Laser and Laser Technology Expo STOM-LASER
Venue:Kielce, Poland
STOM-LASER is the display for ground-breaking technologies, including laser-based manufacturing, laser metal processing, production processes automation and mechanization, machine-parts and tools manufacturing and regeneration as well as laser and hybrid welding , laser hardening and laser deposition.
The last year's expo was marked with the presence of the industry's most important companies, the firms that offer state-of-the-art and technologically advanced machines. The exhibitors list included TRUMPF, PRIMA POWER, SOLUTION TRADE, ABH Trześniewski, CNC-PROJEKT, AMOB Portugal, BYSTRONIC, EAGLE, ECKERT, EKOMET, POLTEKNIK, MITSUBISHI, POLCOM, BLM Italy, ADIGE Italy, SALVAGNINI Italy, LVD, BOSCHERT, POL-SVER, TFM, TOMACO, 4isp, BERND SIEGMUND GmbH, KT7 CNC, YAMAZAKI MAZAK.
Tel:010-67620925 E-mail:expo@heliview.cn Web:www.heliview.cn Add: 1602 Aufu Tower, Nanfangzhuang, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 100079
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