Warmly celebrate the 15 anniversary of Beijing Heliview International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Welcome to visit our website

Venue:Prague, Czech Republic
The twenty-second annual of the trade fair opened its gates for four freezing days. There were presented 212 exhibitors from 10 countries - Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine; who introduced another 82 brands,in four exhibition halls divided by nomenclature at the exhibition space of 15 500 sqm.
The first day of the trade fair was dedicated to the vision and future presented by UCEEB, a very interesting program in cooperation with the Union of Towns and Municipalities „Day of Mayors“ with significant guests was visited by 180 mayors from all over the country. There was also a great deal of interest in seminar of the BIM use on building technologies, current situation and outlook.
Perhaps the great interest in Boilers‘s subsidies, photovoltaics, economic and technical assessment of the possibilities of disconnecting houses from district heating, heat pumps was not surprise. The specialty of the accompanying program was the block of Retrofit dedicated to air-conditioning and measurement and regulation, in which were given specific examples and advices on how to partial reconstruction, which will allow efficiency gains with a short payback. An enormous interest was given to the seminar on the new legislation on data protection - GDPR for assembly and service companies. But it was not surprise. Legislation is brand new, it applies to everyone and will be valid from May. On Friday, we returned to vision – to a new direction in the assessment of interiors and the last block was almost symbolic - Savings from energy monitoring. Ventilation, heating, water. If we want to save money, we must first measure, stop wasting and then seek savings in terms of investment. But today, the problem is not to measure, but to process and use the data meaningfully.
Tel:010-67620925 E-mail:expo@heliview.cn Web:www.heliview.cn Add: 1602 Aufu Tower, Nanfangzhuang, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 100079
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