Warmly celebrate the 15 anniversary of Beijing Heliview International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Welcome to visit our website

Venue:Jakarta, Indonesia
EXPO CLEAN & EXPO LAUNDRY are coming to their 7th year in 2020. This 2 in 1 event are dedicated to cover cleaning and laundry sectors converging modern technology and practical use.
the show proves to be the marketplace and industry reference, offering high value content and connecting buyers and sellers in one place.
The exhibit profile are split between EXPO CLEAN & EXPO LAUNDRY 2020
Exhibit Product Group / Application Areas of CLEANING Sector:
Car wash equipment and product; Chemical, agent, disinfection and care product; Cleaning equipment: mops, cloth, trolley; Cleaning service; Components for manufacturing; Education, training, certification, research; High pressure machine and accessories; Industrial cleaning machines and products; Machine and related accessories for cleaning; Measurement product and solution; Outdoor cleaning machine and product; Pest control equipment and supplies; Planning, management and consultancy; Steam cleaning machine and product; Toilet cleaning, public & mobile toilet cleaning, toilet maintenance and cleaning technology; Washroom hygiene appliances and supplies; Window and façade cleaning equipment and supplies.
Exhibit Product Group / Application Areas of LAUNDRY Sector:
Chain store and franchise; Construction contractor of laundry plant and shop; Hanger, laundry bag, label, POS and other supplies; Laundry, dry-cleaning, ironing agent and detergent; Machine, apparatus, device, system for laundry, dyeing; Machine, device and aid for cleaning of carpet, floor covering, upholstery and building; Software and auxiliary support for inventory, supplies, tracker, payment, and invoice; System and aid for environmental protection and recycling; Training, certification and research on laundry and linen management; Washer, dryer, steamer and iron/press machinery and equipment.
Tel:010-67620925 E-mail:expo@heliview.cn Web:www.heliview.cn Add: 1602 Aufu Tower, Nanfangzhuang, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 100079
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